Consultancy services

We provide expert consultancy in high-speed imaging, structured illumination, and advanced optical diagnostics. Our specialized services cater to aerospace, biomedical, chemical, and defense sectors, offering tailored solutions in multiphase flows, combustion, and energy technologies. With cutting-edge methodologies and extensive experience, we deliver precise, innovative solutions to enhance research, product development, and process optimization. Trust us for unparalleled expertise in fluid dynamics (for eg. liquid volume fraction, droplet sizing, in sprays etc.), imaging diagnostics, and custom optical solutions.

Custom-made Systems

We develop advanced imaging and diagnostic systems, including bespoke optical setups, high-speed cameras, and structured illumination solutions. Our custom systems are engineered to enhance precision in fluid dynamics, combustion analysis, and biomedical applications. Whether you need specialized equipment for aerospace, defense, or energy technologies, our expert team ensures innovative, reliable solutions that drive efficiency and accuracy in your projects.

Measurement Campaign

We offer comprehensive measurement campaigns using cutting-edge imaging and diagnostic tools, tailored for precise data collection in fluid dynamics, sprays, nozzle characterization, and combustion research.

System Characterizations

We deliver precise system characterizations, optimizing performance through advanced diagnostics in imaging, flow dynamics, and combustion analysis. We deal with Gas turbine combustion visualization, CRDI injector, bio-fuel blending effects in combustion devices, etc.

Training and Workshops

We offer expert-led training and workshops on high-speed imaging, optical diagnostics, and advanced measurement techniques for industry and research professionals.